Monday, September 2, 2013

So...Do You Want to Work from Home?

Hi, I’m Jenn. 

I work for a very large global company. 

I had worked out of our office in Upstate New York for over a decade, making the back and forth commute from home to work and work to home, spending hours in a cubicle and passing shoulder to shoulder with hundreds of coworkers.  I dressed in office casual, met face to face with managers and coworkers frequently, and even volunteered for the employee activity committee and food drives. 

This was my main building.

This was (sometimes) my commute :P

Almost one year ago I changed career paths in my company. The new position location said, “This position is virtual and will office remotely”. 
Now, I work from home.
In my previous surroundings, I had a cubicle existence where computers, printers, binders, and other desk doodads had their happy place and I could reach everything with ease. 
People who hear I work from home assume I am a neat, organized person with everything at my fingertips and a place for everything.  While I strive for a nice, clean desk...

...things often de-evolve to this.

I become congested by everything I might need in my day. 

And there is no housekeeping.  Nobody vaccuums the floor at night, or dusts the light fixtures.
So I eventually go on a rampage, throwing out old clutter and chasing dust bunnies out of nooks and crannies.

But yes, you can wear slippers to work if you want...

...and sometimes....
...I do.
Welcome to Living in My Office
- a true blog about working from home -


  1. I love it! I'm a little jealous of your job! I told myself that if I ever change careers I would work from home. Congrats!

  2. Can I have a job too? I'd love a job like that! Looking forward to more of your posts! yay for a fellow blogger blogger! lol

  3. Like the others stated, your job sounds awesome. I like how in this post you showed a problem with having a job like yours. Missing out in the celebration with coworkers. Such is the trade off though. Really enjoyed reading your blog.
